My dear Friends,
Peace, my first daughter and child, who was born on 12th January, 1986, slept in the Lord on 8th November, 2023 at University of Jos Teaching Hospital after a brief illness. She had called me a day before to say she was quite unwell. Her husband, Pst. Elisha Yusuf Ujande, was by her side to the end. He informed me at 2:30am on the 8th that she had passed. Since then we have been mourning. This death is particularly hard on us because we had lost a child, David, on the 13th January, 2000, and it is all quite grievous – particularly on my dear wife, Grace.
Peace’s funeral is fixed for Wednesday, 15th November, 2023. Please pray with us as this is a dark and hard Providence from my God to us. “The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?!” John 18:11. “It is the LORD: let Him do what seemeth Him good” 1Sam. 3:18. My times are in His hand (Psa.31:14).

My daughter Peace came to faith in the Lord. I still remember what she told me about it before her baptism in 2000. “Daddy, when I consider that there is nothing that profit in the world, why must I delay coming to Him,” Matthew 11:28-29. She was a peace maker everywhere. More testimonies are pouring in to her husband about her Christian life. I am sending out a tract titled “Perfect Peace” by A. W. Pink, which I ordered from Chapel Library and which arrived same day of her demise – to be shared.
Let family and friends pray for us. The Lord has promised to build his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail. I’ve been battered front and back, by friends and foes, brothers and sisters, believers and unbelievers because I refused to bend and compromise the gospel in practicing the regulative principle of NT worship.
May God Almighty in Christ alone come for our comfort.
Warm regards to All.
– Aniekan Ekpo, Pastor of Christ’s Reformed Baptist Church, Rumoadara, Portharcourt, Rivers State.
Praying ????